Be sure to check the website of every college to which you will apply to ensure that you have completed all requirements. Nothing is more disappointing than getting an incomplete financial aid offer that can not be corrected in a timely manner. A few colleges also have their own financial aid form to complete, in addition to the FAFSA and CSS Profile. Do not hesitate to communicate with the college to make sure you understand everything you need to complete.
January is over, which means that seniors should have completed all financial aid forms for college. Almost everyone needs to complete the FAFSA-Free Application for Federal Student Aid. (This form is free. Do not use commercial sites with .com addresses). This qualifies you for federal need-based aid which includes, Pell grants, work-study, and federal student loans. It may also be used to qualify parents as eligible to borrow PLUS loans to help their student with tuition. Quite a few schools also use the CSS Profile. (This is a financial document created by the same people who create the SAT. This form requires a fee unless you are very low-income. In that case, the fee will be waived after you have completed the form). The last day to file the CSS Profile for students entering college in the fall of 2014 is February 15th.
Be sure to check the website of every college to which you will apply to ensure that you have completed all requirements. Nothing is more disappointing than getting an incomplete financial aid offer that can not be corrected in a timely manner. A few colleges also have their own financial aid form to complete, in addition to the FAFSA and CSS Profile. Do not hesitate to communicate with the college to make sure you understand everything you need to complete.
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AuthorKathy Garrett has been a school counselor for over 30 years, and a college counselor for well over a decade. Archives
March 2022